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THE MEAT & Potatoes


Beef Protein vs. Whey Protein

Which is better for your gains?  Protein continues to gain in popularity, as it is the building block for muscle mass and with the increase of gym goers, more and more people are looking for it. Whey protein has always been the dominant protein choice among consumers, as it is cheap and effective, but over the past several years there has been a shift toward lactose free alternatives, including beef proteins. Some people have opted to use plant based proteins, however plant based proteins have typically lower biological value and are not as effective, especially for athletes that are very active.  That being said, if you are looking for a lactose free option other than whey, but do not want a vegan protein, perhaps a beef protein is the way to go. So, when it comes down to beef protein vs. whey protein, which comes out on top?  Generation Iron weighs in on the specifics of the Beef vs Whey debate, and how MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate is their muscle building product of the year. Let’s check it out.  How Popular is Protein?  The global protein supplements market size was valued at USD 20.47 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% from 2021 to 2030. The market is gaining momentum owing to the increasing number of health-conscious consumers and fitness centers around the globe. The increasing popularity of protein supplements among the millennials, coupled with their interest in building health through a balanced diet, is expected to create additional demand for protein supplements.   What is Beef Protein?  No, beef protein is not just ground up beef turned into powder form for you to throw into a shaker cup, it can actually be quite good. Beef protein has gained a tremendous amount of popularity as an animal- based lactose free alternative to whey. Beef protein isolate actually offers high levels of amino acids without any of the lactose found in whey and other dairy proteins. The beef protein category market is growing at an incredibly fast pace in the US and globally far outpacing the rest of the protein category.   So why is beef protein becoming the protein of choice over whey protein?   Beef Protein Compared to Whey Protein  There are numerous factors that can be examined when comparing beef protein and whey protein supplements. Let’s take a look.  Muscular Benefits  There have been a number of studies performed on the effects of beef protein vs whey protein. One study in 2015 had 30 experienced male and female weightlifters supplement with beef and whey proteins post workout, combined with carbohydrates for an 8 week period. The group that utilized beef protein daily saw an increase of 5.7% lean muscle mass increase, while the whey protein group saw a 4.7% increase. Fat mass saw a greater reduction in the beef protein group as well, with a final result of 10.8% reduction vs 8.3% from the whey protein group.  In another study, the micronutrient content of beef protein truly shined when it comes to performance. Over a 10 week period, 24 triathlon athletes put beef protein and whey protein face to face to determine which would have the greater impact on performance. The beef protein group saw superior changes in body composition, as well as improved iron levels in the athlete's body throughout the rigorous 10 week training period. The beef protein group was able to combat some vitamin and mineral deficiencies and preserve lean muscle mass more efficiently.   Dietary Benefits  Some athletes will rule whey protein out of the picture from the start who follow certain eating practices or have dietary restrictions. For one, those who follow a Paleo diet will find beef protein to be the perfect fit for their needs.   Another dietary benefit of beef protein is ease on the stomach. Whey protein contains lactose, and not everyone is able to handle that, as it can cause an upset stomach or other gastrointestinal issues. That being said, those with sensitivity to lactose will find that beef protein is the ideal source for fast digesting protein with no stomach discomfort.  The Best Beef Protein  Now, when it comes to finding a beef protein, there are a lot more on the market, so it can be hard to choose.   MuscleMeds Carnivor  MuscleMeds Carnivor leads the industry as the number one beef protein in the world, sold in over 60 countries! Carnivor contains no gluten, is stripped of all fat and cholesterol, and is lactose free, so you do not have to worry about an upset stomach when you consume it.  Each serving packs in 23g of pure hydrolyzed beef isolate protein, which is right around what is said to be the ideal protein intake for one sitting. Many studies point to the body only being able to digest 20-30 grams of protein at once, so 23 grams hits that sweet spot and you are not wasting any.   When it comes to how it is made, the hydrolyzation process of MuscleMeds Carnivor “pre-digests” the protein in order to make it as easy as possible for your body to break it down and utilize it, allowing for rapid digestion similar to whey protein. However, as stated above, it contains no lactose so digestion should be a little easier on the stomach.  When compared to whole food, MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein contains 350% the amino acid content of steak and none of the fat or cholesterol. Compared to whey protein or whole food, Carnivor is your superior choice for maximum muscle building, digestibility, and of course flavor. Aside from that, MuscleMeds Carnivor only contains 3 grams of carbs and is 100 calories per serving, so it is perfect for building muscle and burning fat.   Carnivor is offered in 7 delicious flavors all around the globe.  Wrap Up  Overall, when it comes to beef protein vs. whey protein, beef has a lot of benefits that it brings to the table. It is easier on the stomach, can help to add more muscle mass, burn more body fat, and overall is a great option when looking for non-dairy protein. MuscleMeds Carnivor is a great option for you to try, which you can shop around right on our site! 

Pre & Post Workout Essentials

Piecing together an effective meal plan is a challenging but rewarding task. All of our bodies are unique and require nutrition to be specific to your body and goals. There are no cookie cutter plans that lay it all out for you and can guarantee the results you’re looking for. There are a number of formulas and calculations that can be put in place in order to help you discover the perfect breakdown, one of which you would like to start with would be to calculate your overall caloric intake for the day. This formula is described in depth in our article How to Bulk: The Right & Wrong Way. When you have your total caloric intake daily goal, we will apply that information in this article to break down the importance of nutrient timing. Below you’ll learn more about the optimal times to take in proteins, carbs, and fats to maximize lean muscle growth. Prior to training you will want to ensure your muscles are loaded with glycogen that is readily available to be burned for fuel to power your training. When carbohydrates are ingested, the body breaks them down into a form of sugar known as glucose. In most cases, the pancreas responds when blood glucose levels are elevated, and it signals for insulin to be released to shuttle this glucose to be stored as glycogen inside skeletal muscle as well as the liver. The majority of glycogen is found inside the liver, and is distributed throughout the entire body while the minimal amounts of glycogen stored inside skeletal muscle are used to fuel those specific muscles. The body can store just about 2,000 calories of glucose as glycogen.Consuming carbohydrates prior to your training can be greatly beneficial for your performance. While all of our bodies are unique and require different macronutrients for optimal performance, there are some general guidelines to follow. It’s recommended to aim for your pre training intake to be around one to four grams per kilogram of bodyweight. So if you weigh 200lb (90kg) and you train for one and a half hours then you would want to aim for around 135g of carbs pre training. This is a general rule of thumb and certain individuals may require different macronutrient needs. Some recommended carb sources that are nutrient dense to help fuel your training are brown/white rice, cream of rice, russet/sweet potatoes, oatmeal/buckwheat, and fruits. You may need to experiment to find what works best for your body. White rice and white potatoes digest faster and are readily available to be burned for energy and are often the top choice when it comes to pre training carbs. The remainder of your pre workout meal should consist of moderate protein and lower fats. When high amounts of fats are ingested, digestion drastically slows down. This can often leave you feeling overly full and bloated during your training session. Following your training when glycogen has been depleted, it’s important to replenish these storages in order to jump start the recovery process. Depending on your goal, your carb:protein ratio may vary. A standard guideline targeting maintenance and cutting goals would recommend a 1:1 ratio of carbs:proteins. Carbohydrates will spike insulin levels inside the body to drive nutrients into the muscle cells. Depending on your bodyweight and after you’ve calculated your macronutrient needs, this post workout shake/meal may consist of 25-50g of protein and carbs. For those on a mission to bulk, the carb count may greatly vary from this being double or triple the protein count. Choosing your food sources can make a world of a difference when it comes to seeing results. Ideally you want to aim for a protein source rich in amino acids, where the protein is derived from an easily absorbable source, and it can be rapidly absorbed to start the recovery process inside the body. Protein powders have been proven to truly shine post workout. Their convenience and rapid absorbability for most makes them an optimal choice for post training nutrition. There are a number of types of protein powders, each with their own set of pros/cons. Whey protein is a good protein source but its biggest drawback for many is its lactose content. Nearly 70% of people have lactose intolerance and have a negative reaction to drinking whey. Typical symptoms include gas, bloating, and other digestive issues. An an athlete, this stomach distress can affect your performance and the absorption of nutrients. One perfect solution to avoid lactose and provide your body with high concentrations of amino acids to support muscle building and recovery in beef protein isolate. MuscleMeds Carnivor bioengineered beef protein isolate has been proven for over a decade to be a powerful muscle builder with clinical research to support it. Fit for any goal, Carnivor delivers 350% more concentrated amino acid content than steak and is more concentrated than whey protein. This is key to post workout nutrition to maximize muscle growth and recovery. Hydrolyzed beef protein isolate is easily digested and utilized by the body with no stomach discomfort typically associated with whey proteins. To learn more about Carnivor protein, check out this full breakdown.


Another Arnold Sports Festival has come and gone and this year’s event did not disappoint. Despite there being many withdrawals in men’s open bodybuilding, it ended up being a very interesting contest for men’s open, and every event was exciting in its own right. We want to talk a little bit about the surprises from men’s open, and lessons learned from the show.  OPEN BODYBUILDING First off, the new, two day format of the Arnold really made it interesting to see which competitors could improve their conditioning, and who slipped up, letting someone in the door to take a placing. Day 1 prejudging was a huge surprise, with the line-up favoring some of the more up-and-coming bodybuilders. The biggest comparison was the shockingly big, full and shredded Justin Rodriguez next to Brandon Curry. These sorts of comparisons pointed toward a placing as high as second place. However, at finals, he seemed to spill over and look smooth, which knocked him all the way down to fifth place. This was perhaps the biggest swing in placings in the show, allowing Dauda to come in just ahead of him. One of the relative disappointments of the show was the darkhorse Brett Wilkin, who was hyped up a lot in the bodybuilding community, but was easily out-muscled and out-conditioned by most of the lineup. However, this is only his second pro show and a sixth place finish is nothing to be disappointed about.  The only other big plot twist is between the most important placings — 1st and 2nd. In pre-judging, it appeared as if both Curry and Bonac were sort of a toss up. Curry is naturally gifted in terms of the symmetry and flow of his physique, but he was lacking detail and that became even more apparent in the Saturday evening show when he appeared to be even softer. On the other hand, the blocky and well muscled physique of Bonac is not as pleasing, but he checked off all of the boxes as far as muscularity, symmetry, and above all, a level of conditioning that was clearly superior to Curry. At the end of the day, Brandon ended up with a 6 point lead over Bonac, giving him the victory. Many bodybuilding fans are in an uproar, making this another controversial show.  LESSONS FROM COLUMBUS Social Media Hype Trains Not all hype is created equal. Hindsight is 20/20, but much of the bodybuilding world was wrong about how fast some of these up-and-comers have improved in the past 18 months. The biggest example of this was Brett Wilkin, who did show up with an amazing package, but the hype surrounding his progress almost made us forget how good veterans like Curry, Bonac, and Kuclo really are. All of those guys had long, 10 year come-ups. Although it’s fun to watch a freak like last year’s winner Nick Walker make unreal progress in only a few short years, it’s a very rare thing. This was a great reminder that nothing matters except for show day. Everything else is just talk.  Fullness Vs. True Mass Our Reigning Mr. Olympia is a mass monster, and therefore there is some added pressure to push the envelope in terms of size to live up to the judges preference of the day. But not everyone has the genetics to have that sort of mass. So, as a substitute, some of these competitors are clearly choosing to push the envelope when it comes to carb loading for show day. Now, the key to peaking is balancing conditioning and fullness, and pushing fullness to the max can easily to awry and turn you from a freak to a water balloon. As a result, conditioning seems to be slipping, even at these top level shows. The lesson here is that there is a difference between fullness and true mass, and there is no substitute for real contractile tissue.  Show Day However, you just never know how the judges are going to score on any given day. As mentioned, many bodybuilding fans are in an uproar about Bonac’s second place finish in light of his superior conditioning and well muscled physique, compared to Curry’s fading condition. But that’s just the nature of bodybuilding. It’s a unique sport that has a unique kind of excitement and the controversy sometimes makes it that much more fun. What’s your take on the show? If you were the head judge, what would you do?

Our 11th Hour Arnold Predictions

Let’s make this short and sweet. We have a short list of athletes at this contest but it is a very stacked line-up. Like in any show, it’s going to come down to nailing conditioning and fullness on show day — and in this case they have changed the format to a two day show. This is great for someone who comes in off on the first day, and a nightmare of someone who comes in crisp on the first day and has to hold that condition for 24 hours. But assuming everyone comes in at their best, we can see the physiques that are about to be judged and we can draw some pretty strong conclusions about the placings. So, without further ado, here’s what we think. Feel free to agree, disagree, tell us we’re full of shit or place bets amongst yourselves. Here we go for the top 5. WINNER Brandon Curry is almost a shoe-in for the first place slot. His recent pictures show an absolutely peeled and full physique with improved balance in the lower body. It’s hard to not be amazed at his recent pictures, but it’s not show day yet, and things can change with one miscalculation. Brandon has come a long way in his career and he continues to make improvements year after year, however his only chronic weakness is his hamstring development. This probably won’t hold him back come show day in light of the rest of his physique. We think it’s going to be Curry and then everyone else battling it out for the top 6. RUNNER UP Backed by coach Matt Jansen, the darkhorse of this show is the recently minted pro, Brett Wilkin. Brett turned pro in 2017, but didn’t compete until 2019 as a 212 athlete. Now, he has packed on an unreal amount of muscle in a short time and he looks like he may have surpassed some longer-standing vets of the sport. Brett’s upper body appears to be able to rival many well-established professionals, and his physique is balanced and he is already exhibiting that human cement look with plenty of fullness.  3RD PLACE We believe that sometimes a person has potential inside them that simply needs to be unlocked. Regan Grimes has recently teamed up with legendary bodybuilder and coach, Milos Sarcev and we can see a marked improvement in his physique. Now, Milos is known for his ability to manipulate a physique with expert use of carbs and insulin, as well as employing long bouts of extremely low carbs. With that being said, we can assume that the pictures that we’ve seen in the past few days are of a very depleted Grimes and he still looks bigger and rounder than any previous year he’s competed. If he holds his conditioning and fills out, we could very well see a physique that upsets most of the current predictions. We’re betting on that, and we’re going to put him in 3rd.  4TH PLACE Steve Kuclo is one of the veterans on the stage this weekend and he is one of the more massive men on stage. Based on his recent physique updates, he is looking very hard and grainy and although he doesn’t have the most flowing lines, he’s got the freak factor that should land him in the 4th place spot with a great combination of mass and conditioning.  5TH PLACE Another dark horse, Justin Rodriguez has been posting photos of him looking almost skinless in normal lighting conditions. The only knock we can give him is that he has genetically flat triceps, which may need some extra work in the future, but other than that nit-pick, he is otherwise virtually flawless, bringing a very balanced package. If any of these guys are off, Justin’s medical textbook level conditioning will pump him up some placings. 

What’s Going On With Flex Lewis?

A living legend has been slighted by the IFBB. Or has he? The world has long anticipated Flex Lewis’ return to the Olympia stage in his long-awaited shift to the open class. A number of years ago, in 2018, Flex was given a special invitation to compete with the open men bodybuilders, but was unfortunately set back by time off due to injuries, rehab, business ventures, and restrictions due to Covid did not help the matter. Now, he and his coach Neil Hill have officially announced his return to the stage. However, that announcement was met with a strong rebuttal by Chief Olympia Officer Dan Solomon. Solomon clearly stated that Flex is in fact qualified for the 212 division, but not for open.  He then went on to suggest that there haven’t been any special invitations issued yet. Does this mean that The Olympia is trying to create anticipation and uproar from the fans, or is he serious about Flex needing to compete in a qualifying show? If the latter is the case, Hill has made a statement saying that Flex is not prepared to prep for two shows this year, putting both parties in a bit of a jam.  Will The Olympia recant their statement or give a special invite to the open class and retract their statement, or stick to their guns and lose the opportunity for a huge draw for the Olympia from Flex’s return? We will need to wait and see as the months unfold here, but it appears that Flex is preparing in anticipation of showing up on competition day.  With that being said, Lewis has recently sustained an injury to his rib, which he talks about in a recent video. He has a history of injury, having received stem cell therapy just a year ago to rehab an injury. His latest injury is to his rib during a set of vertical leg press, causing his serious pain while training since.  Only time will tell what the future holds for Flex Lewis, but his time to have a strong showing on the world’s greatest bodybuilding stage is numbered. At 38 years old, this opportunity must open up to him within the next 24 months or the world may miss the privilege of seeing one of history’s greatest bodybuilders who happened to be in the 212 category go head-to-head with the open bodybuilders of our modern era of bodybuilding.

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